In the period after the completion of your project, and before final payment is made, is the one and only time you have to have these works validated to confirm that it is in accordance with the BAFE design – installation and commissioning certificates, this before you sign the acceptance certificate.
You will need to be sure that there has been no cutting or corners, that there are no unapproved variations and thus non compliance issues, this is especially relevant now that ALL non compliance issues are all subject to disclosure to your insurance provide.
Veritas can provide a fully costed inspection assessment of your installation to ensure that all of the works are in accordance with your instruction and purchase order instruction and ensure you have not been given a project with changes or corner cutting by the contractors involved and thus end up with a non-compliant project.
It would be recommended that you actually make your contractors and project manager aware of the fact that you intend to have the final works critiqued post acceptance to ensure that they are fully aware of the need for both full compliance and delivery of the instructed works.