Farmers are at high risk for both fatal & nonfatal injuries arising from explosions and burns

Farming is an incredibly dangerous job, and farmers are at high risk for both fatal and nonfatal injuries. Common causes of these injuries include defective farm equipment, missing product labels, falls from farm structures, and improper training. However, another type of injury on farms comes from a surprising source: explosions and fires. According to the…


Perceptions of risk and the expectations of content within a fire risk assessment

Within the appreciations of clause 15 of the PAS 79 redraft is a requirement for “ adequate fire safety signage” and for suitable and sufficient emergency lighting for premises other than housing. Currently within the fire and life safety market there are differing views on what is considered suitable or sufficient and the fact that…


Covid19 Lockdown doesn’t mean normal fire related maintenance & servicing should be suspended!

As we start to come out of quarantine it is essential that the normal housekeeping issues that applied prior to lockdown is reinstated if it has been suspended. Remember that the fire alarm will need its weekly test, is the person responsible for this at work or have they been furloughed and if yes then…
